Participation in the XXXVIII National Congress of Irrigation 2020

On September 23rd, the virtual technical conference was held and transmitted through Youtube associated with the XXXVIII National Congress of Irrigation 2020. In this Congress, 2 works have been presented within the framework of the LIFE DESEACROP project

QUALITY OF TOMATO CULTIVATED WITH DESALTED WATER IN HYDROPONIC SYSTEM By, Antolinos, V., Sánchez-Martínez, M.J., Maestre-Valero, J.F., Gallego-Elvira, B., Marín Membrive, P. López-Gómez, A., Martínez-Hernández, G.B

DIFFERENCES IN A WATERED TOMATO CULTIVATION WITH DESALINIZED SEA WATER AND MIXED WITH WELL WATER, CULTIVATED IN SOIL AND IN HYDROPONICS By, Marín Membrive, P. (P), Valera Martínez, D.L., Reca Cardeña, J., Maestre Valero, J., Moreno Teruel, M.A., and Urrestarazu Gavilán, M
The book of proceedings and the papers presented can be consulted at